The new production halls house technology for processing, cooling, sorting, cutting, and packaging chickens. There are also premises for the storage of chilled and frozen products and areas for their subsequent dispatch. An integral part of the new facility is an area for receiving, washing, and storing returnable packaging. The most modern foreign technologies were used here with maximum use of automatic and robotic elements. The load-bearing structure of the modern processing hall is based on large-diameter piles topped with reinforced concrete heads for anchoring reinforced concrete columns that form the basis of the vertical structures. The columns are supported by a steel structure composed of trusses. The outer shell of the hall consists of panel walls, while the inner partitions are a combination of panels and masonry. Artificial lighting is provided by lighting fixtures using LED technology, designed for environments with variable temperatures and humidity, and which conforms to hygiene requirements.
What did we build?
Vodnany Poultry Processing Facility, Czech Republic
Vodňanská drůbež, a.s.
South Bohemian Region
01/2020 - 12/2021